Originally Posted by housinit
Yeah, I kinda figured that. I just find it strange that it only gives that tone on the first call after a soft reset. Every call after that the tone does not sound. I wonder if there is a way to change that tone anyway, or if its built into a dll or other file.
It really doesn't matter anyway, it's not like it affects the performance of this awesome ROM, its just more of a curiosity.
Ok people, I figured out what that 3 beep tone is that plays on the first call after a soft reset. It is the phone notifying us that Voice Privacy is not available. Does this tone happen to EVERYONE? Or just to some of us?
If I turn of "Notify When Voice Privacy Is Unavailable" and soft reset and then make a call, it does not give me the tone. If I turn it back on and then soft reset, it DOES give me the tone one the 1st call. Is this normal for Voice Privacy to not be working on our handsets? Does Sprint have this turned off on their network? Or has Voice Privacy been turned off on my phone by Sprint cuz someone is listening in on my conversations?
Please, if everyone could reply with whether or not they get the tone would be great. Kind of worries me a bit.