Originally Posted by mstevens
Holding down the Talk button does start Voice Command, but only if you have Voice Command enabled. My phone came with it turned off. Go to Settings, Personal, Voice Command and make sure the box is checked.
You know what? I checked my settings and that fixed it.

That was a no brainer--except the day before my TP2 arrived, I watched an unboxing on YouTube by PocketNow and they said the feature wasn't included. So when I got my phone I tried it, it didn't work, and I left it at that. I guess I shouldn't have assumed their review of their TP2 would apply 100% to Sprint's version.
Originally Posted by cbreze
So how long did it take to write all that anyway??
Hit "exit" when leaving opera if you want it to close out. Run memmaid or sktools to keep your memory up to snuff.
Works for me.
Didn't take long because I'm a fast typist. Also, "exit" works, I guess I was refering to the X in the corner. I always forget Exit is there because I'm so used to hitting the X for other stuff. I guess I was just splitting hairs!
Originally Posted by malibu_23
"-I can't select text on my phone while in text messages with my finger or the stylus...".
press and hold ur finger on the screen, select "make selection" drag ur nail highlighting the text. press n hold the highlighted portion and select copy. and press n hold in the input box and hit paste. simple.
BTW just call this thread "tell me how 2 do all this stuff i could do on my TP1" cuz thaz what u want anyway. lol.
there are fixes for all ur quirks. (besides the lack of camera flash)
First, thanks for the help. Second, that's not what you did on the TP1. You just click and highlight it. Third, doesn't work. When I press and hold on the text message screen, the only options I get are "Select All" and "Undo." If I press and hold underneath the text message, I get "Send" "Save to Drafts" "Cancel Message" and "Select All." Hence why I proceeded to address the issue in my first post. Third, I pretty much admitted there are probably fixes for all my quirks, I just didn't see the ones I needed though my searching. But I did find some really cool stuff--just not stuff I need right now.
Originally Posted by iknight8
if you goto Setting and then click on "SMS THREADING" its there for u to choose whether u want to thread or unthread...!
What settings are you talking about? If you're talking about the "Settings" tab in TF3D, it's not there. If you're talking about "All Settings", there's nothing that says SMS. If you're talking about "Menu" soft key in in the "Messages" Tab, there is only New Reply Forward and Delete. If you're talking about "All Messages --> Menu --> Tools --> Options" it's neither under the "Message" tab or "SMS/MMS" settings... the only option is "Always send a callback number." Sorry, I've done all this before even before thinking about typing up my complaint and not seeing anything close to what you said.
So, the I clearly missed the boat on voice command and I mispoke when I mentioned Opera... but Malibu and Iknight8 I just ain't seeing what you're seeing.