try this cab this will give you full landscape in all tabs but will auto rotate when phone is turned
to turn that off simply go into
HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\ModuleName and delete tf3d
HKCU\Software\HTC\HTCSENSOR\GSensor\WhiteList and delete tf3d
soft reset you should be set
then use braindocs method to hard key rotate
Braindocs method
Pocket PC: Samsung i910 Omnia
Carrier: Verizon
Location: Pittsburgh
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 28
Reputation: 45
Re: auto rotate button with map key
Here is another method:
Using a registry editor go to "HKLM/System/GDI/Rotation".
Change "HideOrientationUI" from 1 to 0.
Change "LandscapeFixed" from 1 to 0.
This now gives you the option of choosing the 3 rotation options under "Screen" in system settings (Portrait, Landscape (right-handed), Landscape (left-handed)).
Now, under "Buttons" in the Personal settings you can map the media button to
rotate the screen for you. This gives you the ability to
rotate the screen whenever you want regardless of how you are holding the device. I find this much more useful than auto-rotation.