FROM FISH: "I pushed the issue, yet did not get angry, shout, yell, or insist on a better phone.
See I love this because you were
REASONABLE! the line "I pushed and insisted that they repair my mogul, or send me a refurbished HTC phone with a simillar screen and stylus to the mogul."....says it all. The other day I gave someone some free acc's because they DIDN'T ask me for free stuff cuz they had to wait so long. And you didn't exclude repair as an option either and that's rare. EVERYONE just says "I got the insurance, I need my phone replaced" and repair is successful 90 or more % of the time. Here's another one people always say if they come in cuz their phones freezing and I find blood red liquid indicators or it's half smashed..."well it was (insert problem) before" it got wet/dropped, whatever..COME ONE...NO! Ok no more venting just thought you guys would find that funny too, I mean everybody says those things. But you my friend are an example of a rare breed of customer and those are the one's that make me feel like I'm doing my job and I like making people happy. It reminds me of the toothless guy with a mullet that put his phone in the microwave to dry it out after he got it wet and SCREAMED at me because I wouldn't replace it (true fkn story all the way down to the mullet, well...more like "skullet",) and said he was gonna "drop sprint" and "call corporate" and made a scene in front of everyone & that makes me just simply want to thank you for just being.....
Scott the Sprint technician