Re: Who plans to go HD2?
if i'm browsing the web and i see an app for android that i want, all i have to do is point my android phone at the barcode on the screen and guess what, my android will automatically download that app without me searching for it thru the marketplace. have you tried google goggles or google sky? the fact that android 2.1 has free gps maps. these are the simple things i'm talking about. winmo 6.5 can do these same things, but its easier on droids. The search feature (voice and text) and how its built into every application and the phone itself is amazing. The list with droids and how they simply your life goes on and on, it would be like writing a documentry. All i would have to do to get more ammo would be to go into the forums and look at all the ridiculous help that people need, winmo 6.5 is complicated for no reason.
Sprint Evo
T-Mobile Nexus One
Google is the next skynet