Originally Posted by gcianc
they need new phones... and won't be making wm6.5 phones with wp7 shipping by all accounts as early as SEPT.
Lets keep a perspective as they crank out garbage.
HTC seems like a rudderless ship as of late
* nexus one without ATT 3G support ROTFLMAO.
* hiding RAM in HD2
* not bringing HD2 to the usa much earlier (and putting it on the #4 carrier only.
* sense UI a total pig (soon nullified by microsoft, motorola, etc.)
* eris screen resolution & ram & trackball LOL
* lack of a touch screen ozone/blackberry-like device (has a huge niche)
Well the TP was as probably as garbage a phone as they or any other company has ever made. And if it wasnt for manila/sense covering up winmo's abysmal interface I would have stopped buying htc phones after the vogue. They have NOTHING to do with which carrier does and doesnt get the phones exclusively.. its first come first serve on the contracts and obviously t-mobile made the move. And why is it a surprise that the nexus wouldnt have AT&T 3g support even though its sold as unlocked when its a t-mobile flagship phone... just as the unlocked versions of the iphone dont support t-mobile 3g?
And lastly, smartphones pretty much ALWAYS come out overseas first with the exception of the iphone and 1 or 2 others so thats nothing new either. The rest of the points I wont even bother debating.