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Old 02-08-2010, 10:22 AM
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Unhappy Hardware Keyboard issue: software??

Hey forum,

I've been trying to find cabs for the EZinput phone keypad because the rom i cooked in doesnt have it included. On my search for it, i came across some cabs and installed it. Unfortunately, it seems i may have installed it incorrectly. Now my hardware keyboard does not function; AT ALL. And before you suggest it, yes i have flashed back to stock rom, and tried other roms as well. No luck. I have a feeling it wasnt because the hardware keyboard is broken, i think it may have to do with some software issue, or a Registry error. i did remember fiddling with the registry in HKLM > Software > HTC > EZsip... By the way, my keyboard was working just fine yesterday... and i did not drop my TP either...

any suggestions???

i've searched the TP forums with no luck. it seems everyone else just has funky keyboards... or i'm just in denial that mine's broken :P

Thanks in advance!
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