Originally Posted by kaos
when ever i install the P_L B4all 2.5.1922 and 2.5.2011 cab. my max manila 3.0 changes and no longer functions correctly.Clock and all change. .. but i can change background. for some reason i will not show a wallpaper under max manila 3.0 for all tabs.. anyone got a clue or a cab for it to work on 3.0 max. im on vins v4 sprint rom 2.5
my issue exactly.....but on 3.0
Why would you install B4all with MaxManila?
Doesn't this new version already support different wallpaper in portrait and landscape by default?
The B4all cab will change your Mode9 and other settings, which will cause MaxManila to not work right.
Can't you just use HDwalls for b4all tabs on MaxManila?