Lost Notification Sounds - Omnia i910
I have lost the ability to receive tones, vibrations, flashes, etc when any notification goes off (email, mms, sms, reminders, etc). Can someone please post a backup of there registry using CeRegEditor so I can compare it to what I have? Specifically HKCU_ControlPanel_Notifications section. Or if you have any thoughts on how I can get this to work again that would be much appreciated.
I have tried the steps below but this didn't work either.
55.Change SMS notifications (some reported work & some don't work)
HKCU\control panel\notifications\default\options
change the dword value as follows
0 - show icon
1 - show icon and play notification sound
2 - show icon and vibration
3 - show icon and vibration and play notification sound
8 - show icon and notification bubble
9 - show icon and play notification sound and show notification bubble
10 - show icon and notification bubble and vibration
11 - show icon and play notification sound and show notification bubble and vibration