Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
Look at the date on that, lol. There was an official fix released for the sms lag a while back. Try to find something relevant man.
And yes, see how many people choose the Nexus over the HD2. Oh wait, the HD2 is killing the Nexus in sales. Nice try, but fail.
You keep talking about selling more, android WILL be the most popular OS sold in 2010 unless winmo creates something crazy. You know all your stats you keep quoting are from winmo fans plus those are worldwide stats. I live in the US so i only care about US stats. Symbium or whatever has been the most dominant phone worldwide forever but when was the last time you actually saw someone using a Nokia phone? Samething with winmo, if You walk into a mall and stop 60 people over 21 I doubt any of them will have a winmo phone. I haven't even seen an imagio or pure in real life. The reason the hd2 is selling so much is because anybody who has a winmo feels the urge to upgrade because there phone sucks, anybody with android is happy so they don't feel the urge to upgrade. The only report I care about is in the US, who will sell more handsets in people's hands by the end of 2010, android or winmo 6.5 (or even winmo 7 combined)? its not a hard question.