Originally Posted by jo1020
I want to root, but for some reason I am scared. Now I am coming from a TP1 and I had no problem flashing. I just think I need to read more and get my confidence up.
I was in your exact situation. I came from a Touch Pro and I flashed that turd constantly. When I got the Hero phone it worked so much better for me (not a phone comparison or review!) that I didn't think it was necessary which just fueled my reluctance to dive into this. Eventually after following these threads for a while and seeing some really cool s*** I decided I'd root the phone first and hold there for a few weeks. I didn't last a few weeks...I was pumping ROMs into this phone every night.
Once you root the phone and flash RA's recovery the worst part is done. You realize that you can restore at will so there's pretty much no risk unless you fail to read first.
Ditto to what fullgrown said. My Hero is 100 times better now!