Originally Posted by Boogie1979
quick questionf for the cook.
what does it envloving in cooking? is it script? or just using one software to put together smalller softwares to make one? are the any tutorials online to get a feel for it?
It all depends on what you are cooking,what kind of rom you want to make and how detailed and personal you want it to be.
In essence yes it is software that packages other softwares together.
It isn't as easy as that though.
It takes some knowledge of tweaks, mods, registry and other things.
ahushkins and other chefs deserve props because cooking a solid working rom is not easy.
There is a ton of packages and just any combination is not going to work.
You have to know what combination works along with what mods and tweaks are needed to make it work correctly.
To make it personal it helps to understand Manila ( if you use Manila ) to personalize it.
There is a lot of work that goes into cooking.
XDA has a pretty good tut on cooking but after that is takes trial and error because the tut does not cover the packages needed.