Originally Posted by guitardoc64
Good info Ga. Medic! This is what's been needed for the new kitchen since it came out!
Someone ought to excerpt this into a txt file and include it with the kitchen. My only addition would be to recommend deleting the device profile in active sync (I do that when I unplug to put mine in bootloader) to eliminate sync errors. Excellent job!
I don't have any problems with any sync errors. I simply hook up my USB and Check everything except contacts. I let it sync, then go back and check contacts. For some reason if i check contacts on the first sync it does not load them. So I just leave it off until after the first sync then add it on the second one. Other than that I have no issues at all. One thing I would recommend is using a PIM backup in case you are ever away from your home PC and need o do a hard reset, you can load your contacts and calender from the PIM backup. I noticed tough that if I load via PIM backup and then sync with Active sync it will duplicate all my calender info, so I try not to use the backup unless I have to. It is a tedious process to have to go in and delete the duplicates.