Originally Posted by yakky
The reason the Ipone works so well is that there are what, 5 or 6 apps on it? More stuff=more bugs, its that simple.
I wouldn't really say the Iphone works "so well". It has plenty of issues with the lesser functionality that it has compared to other phones.
Even if you agree that it does work well, the number of apps doesn't really have anything to do with it. If that were true it would be impossible to make a phone run better with 3rd party apps than you can stock default. If you know what you are doing you can get a Palm OS 5 device running stable with easily 100 1st+3rd party apps.
Yes, 3rd party apps can cause instability or conflict, but it's not as simple as "less apps = phone works better". Apps are designed to make a phone "work better" than it does default.