Originally Posted by champ052005
Dude....by the time the HD2 comes out in the States (prolly around what...March-ish?)...WM7 will come out in the same year. I dont think anyone wants to buy a 6.5 phone knowing they wont be able to upgrade to WM7. That's what makes the HD2 so interesting. (Its pretty much common sense.)
The exception might the the TP2 but honestly I don't know many people buying it as a straight up upgrade. You look all over the Touch Pro forums...people are getting the TP2 for free....and that's the sole reason I'm listing the TP2 as an exception.
As far as comparing.....SMS lag was never even brought up. All everyone has seen is you guys shove your opinions and claim them as "facts" all over this thread. But if you want to go there, that's fine. There's many fixes for the SMS lag.
Want to know something you can't fix so easily without Google rolling out an update? Your spotty 3g coverage for the Nexus 1!
I could keep going... but I'm just tired of laughing at some of these sites. Some say the G1 has better 3g than the N1
I litterally lol at you saying theres fixes for the SMS lag. lmaooo. Thats just one of the many fixes you gotta do to winmo to get it to do anything vs a 3g problem that I never had or dont have, and If Im correct the new update fixed that for those with that problem with a few other updates like MT. You know damn well winmo wouldnt have posted a fix or update that quickly, they wont even admit theres a problem, then you gotta wait for 2 years for a update. Lmao. Sprint hasnt even gotten there 6.5 but yet yall waiting for 7. Lmao, winmo takes years to go from 6.1. to 6.5 and you thing winmo 7 will be here soon full force blowing peoples minds? Your crazy, and I once thought Like you, I wanted nothing to do with other OS' and didnt wanna believe winmo needed a change. But they do, not just a processor, but a whole new OS overhaul.
You keep saying opinion, But the post has many people saying the N1 is a better device and leaving windows for Android, and if there was a fix, why they not know about it or why wasnt the fix posted in the Thread? Because theres not.
The proof is in the thread, find a thread where people are leaving the N1 for the HD2?
I bet you cant.