Do all of these programs work in conjunction with MS outlook?
I'm looking for a program that can two basic things:
1. I'd like to customize when an item apears on my homescreen. If mom's birthday is next month, it doesn't do me much good to know mom's b-day is TODAY, when her gift should have been mailed last week. The today screen calendar only lists appointments a day or two in advance.
Right now, I schedule things as an "all day event", which works okay, except they do not appear until the actual day (see the example of mom's b-day). This is also somewhat annoying when looking at the "month" view. My entire month is filled with open squares which are basically recurring "to do" lists.
2. I'd like to see a general "to do" list on my homescreen. I can schedule items as "tasks" with MS outlook, but on my homescreen it appears as "1 active task". I'd like to know what it is I have to do.