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Old 02-06-2010, 04:01 PM
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Re: What if Google bought HTC? Could Kill WinMo 7

First off thanks to whom ever thanked me. My first Thanks! Now as for the previous post, that is true. Never thought about how Apple gave Google the shaft on GV. This supports my first post on the Google/HTC fiasco. Google is more ad-based, meaning their main goal would be to share themselves with as many partners & supporters as possible. On top of that El Goog wants to look like "The People's Choice", therefore inviting more devs and manufacturers to the fold. Apple by contrast, went a different route, going the "make a device the people want before they know they want it" Jobs mantra. they do everything in-house (still recognizing Foxconn and others) making them an "elitist" brand.

On a semi-related note, look up any MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator). Selling yourself as a business model isn't easy either. Virgin Mobile USA was bought by Sprint, and for further proof look up Helio or Amp'd. Google's good at what they do. I think as time goes on they'll surprise us.
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