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Old 02-06-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: Yes, I feel like someone just did kick my dog [Windows 7]

Originally Posted by rawdikrik View Post
God Bless there is still someone SANE here. Geeze.

Rumors guys. Plain and simple. U wanna start jumping ship based on very incomplete information? Go right ahead. Ill wait a little longer.

But to add my take on this Rumor... you are right. Everythign you said... is right - ON ONE VERSION OF WINDOWS 7.

Thats right. If you remember, there have been quite a few rumors of 2 different kinds of windows 7... and im sure that is right.

The winmo7 that is for media playback and light usage and quite possibly the rumored "pink and turtle" phones will be this. Its a Zune HD with more phone functionality, but without all the crazy powerhouse stuff.

Its still more powerful than the iphone, and still has lots of room to work with, but by making restrictions you make it easier to make apps for and allow these apps to use the most power possible.

There will be a second kind of winmo7... just like ours.... that can do Everything and anythign under the sun, and still use carrier customizations and everything.

Can you imagine winmo upsetting its biggest hardware player HTC, and telling them "sorry guys, no more Sense"?

I dont think so....
That last sentence makes alot of sense. HTC has imho kept microsoft relevant these last couple of years. Like everyone else I hope to god those are rumors. If not then it's looking bad for microsoft. I'm sure that they will do ok in the consumer space and I believe simplifying the OS will put them on top in the business communtiy.. I imagine it becoming I hard decision for business users over whether or not to get a blackberry. At the same time, no multitasking is kinda counter productive in the business world nowadays isn't it? Those rumors really does make microsoft sound like followers but going to android is no better.. Android is a knock-off of windows and apple in my opinion.. Their app store is filled with mostly bs and the games are crap. Also it can't even begin to compete with windows in the business world. One would do better(if he/she decided to jump ship) by getting the palm pre for multitasking or the iphone for multimedia purposes. Hell I'm willing to believe that the next iphone os will have multitasking in some form or another..I'm sure microsoft has considered the competition and developed their os (in all this time) accordingly. Why disregard the hundreds of thousands(million?) apps you already have and the ability to install/use external storage, just to start from the very beginning with app #1? Every other os has apps in the thousands, microsoft is smarter than that(I hope). Again these are only my opinions.
If I help don't forget to hit thanks..
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Last edited by smoove21; 02-06-2010 at 04:24 PM.