I figured out, if you installed one of those fixes.. also posted by me yest that it breaks alot of stuff making editing and making it stick a real pain.. I would have to wipe & start over on fresh.......
it's just funny to me how many look around for a fix.. GREAT one of the few that do... but actually would be nice if you guys took the time to put the link in to the fix..
There is one switch that once I get fixed.. WONT get posted... it wil be cabbed n set so the peons will have to do their own work to figure out how it was done!!!
Originally Posted by TheShade001
uh, what? Like i said, the others did not work for me. Installing the supposed fix cabs kept screwing things up.
Am i taking the credit for someone else? Do you need a hug?
Is it possible that i missed a post in a 1,000 post thread? Relax or go away.