Originally Posted by DrUnKeN_TiGeR
thanks what about the fact i cant send txt msgs? also seems like i have to press super hard to scroll also seems like it thinks i click when i am in fact trying to scroll... im not complaining i just wonder if this is normal i think its GREAT i love the port thanks to all that have helped make this possible
The new touchscreen driver, while much improved over the old one, is still pretty weird and far from perfect. I don't think you have to press particularly hard, but sometimes (and in particular on the lower right hand part of the screen), depending on CPU usage and other factors, it will not recognize a long press, and instead think you've clicked many times. Since a bunch of clicks looks different to the system than a drag, it will give some weird results.
If you want to get a better feeling for what I'm talking about, put Development.apk from the AndroidApps/Other folder in the base of your Android Apps, then go to dev tools > pointer location in android. You'll see how occasionally the touchscreen thinks you've picked up your finger/stylus when you clearly haven't.
Originally Posted by chaopac
anyone knows how to get the Sense UI into Android 2.0.1, i think it's kindda like a theme or a skin or sth??
It's a set of programs and system tweaks... that probably won't show up on any builds that work on the touch pro/diamond. 1) Because we don't have access to an eclair build that also supports Sense UI. 2) Because, even if we did, there is no Sense UI build that supports the 640x480 resolution on the Raphael/Diamond.
Originally Posted by del4
So, if we want to retain our information between android updates, e.g., mail settings, contacts, wallpaper selections, ..., we should keep from overwriting the data.img file or would this introduce problems, depending upon what's updated in the new kernel and/or modules?
If you want to keep your settings through a update, save data.img, yes. Will this introduce problems? Sometimes, yes. If weird issues start coming up, a fresh data.img is a good starting place. (It's the equivalent of a hard reset in WinMo -- with the added benefit that if it doesn't fix anything, you can put your old data.img back and un-hard reset it.)
Originally Posted by superfil56
Hi guys...
I tried to install this OS in my HTC Touch Pro...it works very well and fast! Compliments to developers!
There is only one problem, when I try to switch off Android, it crashes and it stops on the switching off screen...then I've to soft reset...
Does anyone know how can I fix this problem?
Thank you!
At this point, the fix for shutdown causes other functions to break. More important functions, like... audio.
Originally Posted by chaopac
hey guys, can you tell me how can i make more page at home screen, 3 pages seem not enough for me , and btw, anyone knows how to get Sense UI from the HTC Hero to work on this, i think it just a theme so it'll be easy (my opinion )
Unfortunately, Sense UI is not so easy (see above). Making more pages for the home screen is probably relatively easy (once you get past the hurdle of learning how to modify the system image), but I don't know how to do it. Another option is to find an app in the market that modifies the home screen to have more panels. I don't know that such a thing exists, but I'd guess that it does.