Hello All,
This is a general question; but my last 3 roms have been the leo so i figuered I would ask you guys.
I started having this problem back when I still had stock rom{but only after I started using SPB mobile shell 3.5.
Since then I have used ssk rom, mighty rom and two versions of the energy pheonix and the 3 leos Jan25 thru feb 4.
The problem is when I slide out key board the screen goes black.. not really off or sleep because i can still click on things..
with stock it was random .. with ssk and mighty is was random... with pheonix energy it became a little more constant.. and with the feb 4 leo it turned into a bigger issue.. the whole phone would shut off. All of this is right after flash.. Before loaded any cabs or modified anything..
With all that being said I was convinced it was a hardware issue...So i found a "Stock Sprint Rom" and just flashed it so I can goto sprint tomorrow and get replacement..
Well guess what... Now its not doing it anymore..
I've been sitting here opening and closing like crazy trying to replicate it and it just wont do it..
I am so confused.. Does this mean it was software???
Anyone else ever have or hear of this kind of issue??