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Old 02-05-2010, 09:56 PM
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Unhappy My Beloved Vogue: Taps 1/30/10

Well...I dropped my Vogue in a hole that had water in it!!
By the time I retrieved it, it had drowned!
Soooo......I was given a Diamond as a replacement.
I really wanted another Vogue and I may yet find another one but I'm trying the Diamond out for now.
The main things I don't like about the Diamond so far are crappy battery life, a hidden reset button, and the semi-prissy burgundy battery door.
I only had a 4gb storage card so I really didn't loose any storage memory but I am not wild about not being able to upgrade to a larger card later.
This Diamond is a little faster than my Vogue after I configured it right. I'm trying to like it. I do like the higher-res VGA screen but I really think I'm gonna have to get an extended battery. Then maybe I can get a black battery door!
Well, I'll definitely still hang around in this forum and help if I can. Like I say, I may end up getting another Vogue anyway! lol
We shall see!
Trombone players do it in 7 positions!