Originally Posted by kedar
All of my previous pocket pc's have had it's chance on my car stereo through a fm transmitter I put the Touch through my car stereo......Wow! high quality sound kicks all pocket pc's ass!!!!........ but.......... when you turn the volume up to %100 and you play a song with a lot of bass it activates auto redail and makes a phone call so I took it to a sprint store they didn't know how to disable the voice dail or whatever cause the phone to dail out while playing music I never figured it out I just turn it down to %85 that sucks........I want my bass man!!!!!
This is the only post in the whole PPC Geek froum that mentions FM Transmitter in the Touch. From what I can tell, it doesn't exist. The only capability that I can imagine would allow you to play thru your car stereo is if the stereo had bluetooth capability. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong. And how bout some instructions on how to transmit thru the car stereo if it isn't bluetooth?