Originally Posted by Dragon2
I can make a google maps comparison and you can see how crapy it is on the tp2 vs. android. we dont have bing I dont think. Ill look into that. But we have other apps better than bing that do the same shiznit, and it works alot better.
Oh, gotta flash a custom rom to get it faster. lol. cool
Ok, lets put spb shell on there. COol, now my battery is dying faster. Nice..
Dude, the nexus one isnt sold by all 4 carriers. Your a joke. Thats a no brainer
#1: You only need to flash a custom ROM if HTC and the carrier screwed the stock ROM up. The fact that a custom ROM fixes the issues just means Winmo is fine, it's HTC and the carriers that screw things up.
#2: Mobile Shell doesn't kill my battery any faster than normal. Nice try, but wrong.
#3: The Nexus isn't sold by 4 carriers. So then why did you bring it up? You're the one who brought up never seeing anyone with a Touch Pro 2. I merely pointed out that there are more Touch Pro 2's out there than Nexus Ones.