Originally Posted by Dragon2
Why y'all on laptops talking about phones.
Why do Humans use computers hmm what a dumb question
Originally Posted by Dragon2
Hahaha exactly and your phone couldn't play it anyways.
I know you're not totally retarded, i know you have a TP2 and last night i got you to play a video through skyfire about the making of your Nexus One, First you were like "blah blah I AM USING SkyFIRE IDIOT" then you edited it and you were like "Oh i got it to work now, it dosent compare"
Originally Posted by Dragon2
I didn't just compare the speed you idiots.
You are an idiot. And i state this rarely, stop calling people idiots and dipsh!ts and etc etc, you're so immature, People like you call people names cause you have nothing better to say, such as facts of productive criticism, its all rant rant rant opinion rant IDIOT rant
Originally Posted by Dragon2
Y'all. Just pissed that your lovely winmo is dying and will be for the next year still.
Are you getting an HD2? If not get out of the thread you're trolling it up real hardcore, this is not a "what's a better device thread" with a poll , in fact that sounds like what you should do, go make a thread and have fun in it. Make yourself the OP and conjure up a decent conversation without calling anyone derogatory terms?
Originally Posted by Dragon2
Why talk about YouTube on your phones when your trying on a PC or laptop. Tards..
maybe because you fail to realize that what you have in your nexuswhaat is a Mobile youtube player, and you kept posting dumb mobile links. To top it off you cant even edit the link to make it universally compatible i.e 100% of the desktop/laptop browsers out there with a flash plug in or html 5 support