I think one of the main draw backs of the arguments that you make is that you post in words of extremes.
I"ll give you an example, in the above paragraph you states that, and i quote " all the developers just stopped with winmo"
Keyword: All is an extremity of None and inbetween there are the facts; which is that actual amount of devs that left for ____.
Truth is Slim can't really speak facts, rather exaggerated opinions full of conviction and disregard.
In reality he doesnt have the numbers to correlate to properly in a comparison, bringing up mute points digresses the conversation and defeats the argument, not to mention it makes you look ignorant. that's just my opinion of course, take it with a grain of salt
p.s I use Pandora for Windows Mobile 6.5 on my WVGA screen everyday, i have my earphones on right now and have been this whole morning approving songs and thumbs downing them and so forth its a cool app, dont give me that sound quality stuff either, it sounds great with my earphones