Re: Disapponted with my new hero.
Well I guess everybody is happy with their hero except me. Don't get me wrong guys, i like the android os and i do think it looks better and has better functionality than the pre or even iphone. But common guys! I have rooted my phone and tried all of the roms her and NONE of them fix the Youtube issue. YouTube app says cant play video and when they do play the videos look pixelated and not in HQ as opposed to the pre that anyone whos had a chance to see Youtube play on it has to agree it runs WAY better no to mention the smootheness of the multitouch screen and overall seems faster than the hero. I was just disappointed that i traded a phone for another which was supposed to run better and cannot even run flash as advertised. My friend has the first model hero and flash and Youtube work fine but then Sprint decided to upgrade the firmware and now it is worse. Now before you go ahead and rant on me please just think about what i am saying which is all true.
Now, I wonder how are they going to make 2.1 run smooth if it is 1.5 and runs laggy.
This is just my opinion guys, just my opinion. Just tell me what you guys think, anyone who's had both phones.