Re: }}Santod Mods{{16/20 Quick Links 2.5.1922 and 2.5.2011}}Landscape BG4all
I will look into it, but that seems really odd.
Those files should have absolutely no effect on sound.
My first guess, is that the rom you are on, is already tight on Ram,
and adding the extra links and B4all, does use up a bit more.
One thing you should try, to see if it is maybe ram related, is with the links and b4all installed, turn off HTC Sense and see if Kinoma still has the same problem.
Let me know how that goes for you and I will try a few things on my end.
Some of these new roms do have memory leaks from what I have seen so far.
I also know when low on memory that Youtube has been known to drop sound as well. Definitely my first guess bud!