Originally Posted by manekineko
Do you or any other Sashimi gurus know how I can use Sashimi to also setup my Facebook/Twitter logins? I recently got it working with basic GMail accounts, and would love to be able to automate more of the upgrade process.
I have working sashimi restore of the Twitter tab logon, and Facebook logon for integration into the address book. I have not been able to restore logon information for the standalone Facebook app that is also in this ROM. That's partly because my first few attempts did not work, and because I don't use it enough to spend more time on it.
To get the Twitter tab and Facebook contact integration, you need to export some registry entries after you've gotten both the Twitter tab, and contact Facebook login working. The attached will show the you the registry keys that work. You'll need to export these yourself, of course, since you'll need your own configuration values.
For some reason I can't attach a reg file, so I added a .txt extension.