Re: [CDMA KERNEL ROM]Gumbo Kernel beta project + RAM hack
I would think with moderate use you should get close to 16+ hours. On a full charge i can play a game for a couple of hours, send close to 400 texts and do a bit of surfing with that. Light use, I can last 24+ hours. IE. 400 texts, no games and some surfing. Of course i sleep during about 8 hours of that time so it is in standby. I just switched back to Fresh today but I was running Gumbo rom + Gumbo kernel with the above things on it. With setcpu I run ondemand 245 min 528 max. I was running with profiles but have since turned them off because it appears it was slowing down my charge time. Ill see how fresh goes with the kernel.
Thats how sweet the signal is in my office!!