Originally Posted by tjmontan
Cellguy...love the black gloss blue glow clock..looks super ( I will post pic) with X-Rom..with X-Rom we get the cooked in Dusk Mod clocks so now I am getting all 3 clocks with 2 showing your awesome blue glow..my only issue is everytime I install a BG4all cab I lose 2 of the 3 clocks..is there a way to keep all 3 clocks + bg4all so I can change the background? Darren and some other suggested HD Walls..thanks for your work..very nice
I gotta be honest...I have no idea how to do that. If I have a chance at work today, I will see what I can find out. I like the combination with the taskbar/slider/clock you have. Looks pretty good. I have a new clock coming soon that you may like even better.