Originally Posted by Young_breedent
You are the one that is failling to understand. The OS isn't bad lol. I have no problem with the OS of 6.5 truthfully. The only thing i hate about my TP2 is i wish it was faster (better processor) and had a better graphics card (better processor). Do you not get it, and do you not realize that the youtube app on the tP is integrated into the OS as well?? Tell me what microsoft needs to change besides the OS??? You can't you have been asked that question time and time again and you ignore it. If it sucks so much as a whole you should be able to list at list a couple things besides the OS that sucks. All they need to do is change the way the consumer interacts with the device (the operating system) and they will be right back on top. You fail to realize that. The have all the features and capabilities of every other phone out here. It's the OS that gets the bad rep. This is showing me how much you know about WM Mobile. You suffer from Stockholm Syndrome lol you can read more about it here:
http://www.strandconsult.dk/sw4031.asp only difference is you fell into the andriod trap instead of the iPhone
you're right, i stand corrected. winmo 6.5 isn't bad, its just oudated by android os. this is my only point. Correct winmo can do everything and more then an android, but everything an android can do it does it better, better being less steps, less headaches, and it looks better. yes you can click on a link and still watch youtube through skyfire on your hd2, but with a nexus one it will be easier and it will look much better.