Originally Posted by Whotahn
No you aren't alone. My buddy is on Sprint and he had all the issues everyone else is experiancing with MMS.....UNTIL he used CMYLXGO's fix posted a few days back. CMYLXGO also posted his workaround in it's own thread, I believe in the CDMA TP2 themes and software forum. After using CMY's fix it works in exactly the manner CMY explained. Kinda a pain to send that way but it gives him his MMS. Me......I am in Verizon......plug the server info in and I am golden...I feel bad for you guys having to jump through the hoops.
I am on Verizon as well, is your mms working through HTC? I have had mine working on NRG's rom's except this last one. No paper clip with receive and I cannot view received mms's, though I can send.