Re: [ ROMs ][ 2-4 ][ v1.5 ][ 28223 \ 21891 \ 21056 ] Calkulin's Manila & Spb ROMs
Calk, I'm using the 21891 SPB rom and I want to tell you....this may be the best rom I have ever used.. I havent had a full day on it yet, but as far as I can see up to now, it is SPECTACULAR! Thanks so much. It is perfect for me.
One question there a way to toggle the "balloon/bubble" style in text messaging? I like the old style better.
Also (ok one MORE question), I notice after boot thatIm at 104.3 MB free and it seems to dwindle down slowly after a couple hours to about 70-80MB and running CleanRam doesnt free more that 2 or 3 MB..........why is that? And what can I do to get the memory back up there?
Last edited by reigndropz; 02-05-2010 at 09:07 AM.