Originally Posted by iknight8
can i use the Bg4all to fix the landscape issue on this rom?
the jan 20th build let me set option to which clock i want in the home screen... i like the analog and the digital clock together... was this taken out on the feb 4th rom?
the background on all tab is black except the home tab which has a background, will Bg4all fix this?
but overall the rom is FAAAAAAAAAAST and gREATTTTTTT i love it!!!!!
Yes, you can try the HQ B4all in my 16/20 links thread.
It will give you the same B4all that was in the last couple roms before the Topaz release. It has an issue on this new rom with the calendar screen. Just remove the two manila files from your Windows directory after install that I mention in the first post in the thread to remove the calendar mod.
I asked him to leave it out, so those who wanna use HDwalls, still can. Now that it is working on these new 2.5 roms. Especially since you can just install the b4all cab after flashing if you want and can remove it also this way.
HERE's the link to my thread!