Originally Posted by srfto
Can you share your lovely settings with me please. Been trying to get it to work for days for Sprint =D
Sure. I need to include it in my sig or something.....
+++++++++++++THIS IS FOR SPRINT ONLY++++++++++++++++
Go to MMS Options
Click CDMA Servers
Click the only option under the settings
Change server name (optional)
Gateway (leave blank)
Port number (leave at 80)
Server Address (change to:
Connect via (The name of your internet connection)
Send limit (300k...or highest available)
There are also 4 settings you should change in the registry to make sure all goes smooth:
Go to HKLM\software\arcsoft\arcsoft mms ua\config\mm1\mmscsetting\samplemmsc2
Change the value of all WAP1 (send and recv) and WAP2 (send and recv) (there are 4 of them all together) values from whatever it is to 512000.
Once I changed these settings and verified it was working I used Sashimi to backup the registry key I mentioned before...no need to ever touch it again.
MMS still not working through HTC messaging. With these settings you can click on "all messages" and create new picture mail.