Originally Posted by Dragon2
One more thing. You keep talking about sales. Europe there a bigger market than android, the nexus is unlocked not sold on a carrier so right there its not gonna sell as much... And also in the u.s. the n1 isn't sold directly through stores, the hd2 will. Right there the hd2 will sell more....
Bring the n1 and hd2 to all u.s. carriers, I put money that says the n1 sells more.... dude give it up.
You're wrong. The Nexus One is not only subsidized by the carrier (T-Mobile in the USA, others overseas) but it is ALSO suibsidized by google- making it even cheaper. Don't you recall the fcc freaking out about it having 2 seperate ETFs? I guess you need a fact checker too, lol.