Originally Posted by froader
Just want to throw this out here.
1.5RC Kitchen on Verizon.
GF sent me a picture message and my phone replied saying "Enhanced messages service is not supported."
All I got was "preceding msg modified, Media objects were removed."
Any idea with regards to provisioning or other's feedback with MMS on Verizon? I have the feature on my account...
I'm on Verizon and was able to get picture messages using 1.5, your 24001 build, and then using the provisioning from 1.4. However the problem I've been having is that the "phone >menu > options" disappears and all of the stock ring tones are read to be corrupted (though they work in windows media and the HTC settings page). I'm trying a couple tweaks to the provisioning right now so I'll tell you how it goes.