(I've played around with emulated android with the SDK, and written to practice apps for it, have played a lot with my bro's iPhone, and have had a Titan for 6 months)
The reason windows mobile isn't very good, is because it's roots are really old.
they've basically got a really old OS, and just tweaked it a little each year.
That's why Palm is struggling now, and why the iPhone is just so much better in many ways.
lets not argue about the faults of the iphone, or keyboard etc... It certainly has them. it is NOT the Jesus phone

the point is, the sheer quality/stability/ease of use etc.. is far beyond the WM6 or even the late to the game WM 6.1
Just use Safari, and then use pocket IE. It's a joke. Even Opera Mobile is a joke (until they finally release Mobile 9 at least)
Basically, I want a phone where stuff improves because new things are possible.
Think of what your email would be like if gmail hadn't come aboard.
We were living with 2 or 4MB inboxes. And why? not because storage was that expensive, but because WAY back in the day, it used to be enough, and they'd just kept their same roots and core mentality. Yahoo and Hotmail were fairly quick to compete with gmail's storage. Why is that? Because they were capable of doing it all along, but just had no reason to improve. People were used to rubbish, so few people complained.
Microsoft is just that way. They only made IE7 because firefox became popular.
You know what they said before? They said there was nothing left to improve with IE6 (what they really meant was that they no longer had a competitor, or reason to improve it-aka RIP netscape)
I want whatever OS i use to just improve when it can, not improve because it's forced to by the market, or because everyone else has surpassed it. (btw that's the reason i use linux).
Just look at what's happening with WM6. It's based on Windows CE 5 code. Win CE 6 is supposed to bring big improvements. But, because they had internal problems, they released an interim product, WM6 as a barely improved (and more memory hog) WM5.
They then promised WM7 to be the next big thing, but guess what, they have yet ANOTHER minor update (WM6.1) that's going to delay WM7.
Also, I don't want this to turn into arguments of all the apps available for WM etc... as this is not related to the stability/features of a platform. those apps will come.
All I can say is, To get a properly functioning alarm, I have to install an app.
to get a good calendar, I need an app
a good email program, buy an app.
I mean, FREAK, it's 2008, and there's no threaded messaging in Windows Mobile. I know people will say that it's coming soon. But seriously, it should have been out years ago. There's no excuse.
My point is, although the iPhone is locked down, the built in apps are actually worth using.
So, when I get android, it will actually have a decent alarm that plays mp3s, a decent email client etc... so i won't need to resort to all these 3rd party apps to just get a reasonable system.
If it wasn't for the amazing SERO plan I have, I'd have considered jumping already.
your thoughts?