Originally Posted by p-slim
we arent comparing phones, we are comparing os'. i compare the moto droid because it has the same specs as tp2 when it comes to processing power and ram. maybe it has different parts but theres nothing wrong with the tp2 parts they perform ok. stop comparing the g1 to tp2 and compare the tp2 to the moto droid. compare nexus to hd2. like i said we all know what the hd2 is already, a tp2 with no keyboard snap dragon processor, and mulitouch, nothing new is coming. like i said if you gave your tp2 a snap dragon processor so many people would over look the hd2. Now does the snap dragon processor change your whole os all of a sudden, no it does not.
The Moto Droid does NOT have the same "parts" as the Touch Pro 2, lol. Man, you seriously need a fact checker. You're just saying the first thing that comes to your mind no matter how blatantly false it is.
The Moto Droid runs a next gen TI Omap processor. And even though TI Omaps get way more done per clock cycle than the lame Qualcomm in the Touch Pro 2, the Moto Droid also runs at a faster speed (in addition to having better resolution and 24 bit video too).
Just stop man, you have no idea what you're talking about. And the Winmo phone that came out ONE month later, the HD2, blows the droid out of the water.