Re: NEW TELENAV Sprint Navigation
I'm having the same issue... What I was told by Sprint after 8 reps and 3 tech support phone calls between today and yesterday is that TeleNav is the preferred version of navigation for the TP2 via the "" so as to why the other version "Sprint_Navigation" is even available for download was unknown by any sprint tech I talked to, they said that's not even listed on their site for the TP2...
So the one main thing I'm left unknown to is why did I get an email 5 minutes after my resolution phone call to TeleNav for them to reactivate my "expired" account, saying that "Your service is extended to 2010-05-04" so I guess it's one more phone call to TeleNav to explain that email, even though Sprint said disregard it because they sent me a download link to the TeleNav navigation and said that was their version not TeleNav's "although it almost reads the same exact install file"... Oh well, I guess this issue is semi-taken care of minus a few unanswered questions that hopefully we can figure out..
TeleNav's navigation file - <~~ what you will find if you look
Sprints navigation file - <~~ what the sprint rep sent me
Last edited by JDM_SOHC; 02-04-2010 at 08:32 PM.