Originally Posted by brownhornet
AT&T announced Thursday that it would allow the SlingPlayer Mobile application for the iPhone to stream video over the wireless provider's nationwide 3G network.
Sling Media's SlingPlayer allows users to watch video recorded at home from anywhere on the go. Previously, the SlingPlayer Mobile application for the iPhone was limited to Wi-Fi-only access to streaming video, due to bandwidth concerns on the 3G network.
But AT&T revealed that it has worked with Sling Media to ensure the SlingPlayer Mobile application has been optimized to run on its high-speed 3G network. Sling Media created a new version of its application that conserves bandwidth for 3G data connections, and AT&T has been testing the new software since December. Thursday, AT&T revealed it has notified both Apple and Sling Media that the new, "optimized" application is acceptable for use on its 3G network.
Guess you can cancel that argument too LMFAO!!!
So Apple will someday have one of the things that Winmo has RIGHT NOW, and has had for YEARS. Tell me which one is innovative and which one is playing catch up again? lol
True iPhone fanboy to act like you don't care about something and then when you get it (or in this case, it gets announced that someday you will get it) act like it's a great move. Man I called that one, lol.