Originally Posted by puff601
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint Touch Pro 2)
what are psshutupxp and xda? only cabs i have installed are phm reg edit, .net 3.5, pocketrar, my phone, memmaid, and falkes weather database editor...
i couldnt get IM to work, it did autorotate the 1st time i ran it but hasnt done it again even after a few resets.
Are you on stock Rom, or custom rom, if custom then which one? Everything in the reg rotates fine for me. Maybe something else installed is conflicting. If you really want it, delete the entire entry for IM, reboot, enter the entry back in again, wait like 30 secs., reboot, and try it. Only issue I had was with manila, but once i uninstalled shutdown, it was fine.
shutxp and xda shutdown are software to turn off display, turn off phone, or softreset without usin g power button or reboot hole on the side of the phone.