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Old 02-04-2010, 04:42 PM
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Re: Manually configure Program Rotation via Registry?

Originally Posted by puff601 View Post
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o ok so the module name is not needed all the time? some work by just adding them to the whitelist? if so that makes it easier. naah i havent tried the wmp cause i never use it, but i will test it out later for you and let you know.

ive got tf3d to rotate but if i am in landscape and i get a text, or missed call or some, when i click on that at the top of the screen, it goes back to portrait, do u have the whitelist entry to make the notifications screen rotate? that list would be very helpful and i probably can add a few programs to it when u post it.
I don't have this issue, sorry, cant help you out thee, maybe its something else you have installed, though I have noticed that psshutxp and xda shutdown cause issues with tf3d or sense if you have it to rotate, hence I don't use them.

Here is the txt of registry of the apps I have rotating:
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