Originally Posted by redlegend
Any VZW users running 21889 Feb 1 M2.5 who could comment on any SMS issues? Each M2.5 NRG ROM I've tried gives my headaches not sending or receiving SMS properly, without any detectable pattern. Some get sent, some don't, some get received, some don't. I haven't had any issues at all with the non M2.5 ROMs, but I really like the differences in M2.5, but unreliable SMS is a deal breaker. Thanks all, and thanks NRG for all your work. The 21889 Jan 16 is a rock, and the quickest I've used to date.
I am on verizon and found that sms works out of the box on this ROM and have not seen any of the issues you mention. I am not a "heavy" texter, however. So far, I have SMS and MMS working just find through HTC messaging and have yet to see an issue.