Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post
So this is happening again to my previously repaired TouchPro. My phone came back from the last repair (two weeks away from me mind you) with a non-functional LED near the earpiece speaker, and a non-functioning accelerometer. Multiple conversations with HTC and a supervisor intervention and I never got a call back to fix the issue. Fast forward 6 months (January) and the screen is delaminating again. HTC's first response is "excessive pressure". So here's what I said when I demanded to speak to a supervisor.
A) Isn't it just a bit odd that the newton ring is in the center of the screen only? I mean seriously, how many apps require you to touch the center of the screen?
B) So you claim it was excessive pressure, please indicate the method your technician used to support that claim? Oh you can't prove it can you (didn't think so).
C) I told the supervisor it's a hard pill for a company to swallow when they have to admit they have a substandard manufacturing process or defective part (just look at Toyota this past month). That doesn't mean you automatically push the responsibility to the consumer.
D) I now can (with a fair amount of certainty) recreate the problem. The newton ring showed up right after using bluetooth and gps (while running a GPS app) while on a road trip. The phone was also plugged into the charger. Phone got hot and next day newton ring. Can HTC recreate the excessive pressure issue (didn't think so).
And to all the toolbags who suggest that we are pushing these things too hard I say eat shit. My phone cost $300 subsidized not some $10 Razr, and comes with no disclaimers of any kind to indicate that multitasking and use of GPS/Bluetooth together are an issue. If the phone can't do all these things AS ADVERTISED then I suggest that HTC do something to prevent them from all running simultaneously. Until that happens, I expect full value and functionality for what I paid for. I shouldn't have to reflash the damn thing with some cooked ROM to ensure it doesn't self destruct -that's a load of shit and you guys know it.
Another interesting comment was made by the supervisor along the lines of "this doesn't seem to be a significant problem with other TP handsets". I told the guy there are hundreds of posts online and I will continue to stress this point. I will also do whatever is in my power to ensure that consumer protection and better business bureaus are aware of the issue if they continue to deny the problem.