Originally Posted by puff601
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thx man! mp3 trimmer works great! now i understand that i need to add the path of the exe to the whitelist, but how do i figure out what value to add to the module name??? like how do i know whether to put dialog,?
It's just a matter of playing around with different combos and seeing what works, the main pain in the but was adobe reader cause that also needs the module list enty not just the white list, I almost gave up on that program, but i entered its path in module list, rebooted and bam it rotated. on my days off i spend time to figure out a program I want to add, which is everything except the dialer, wm player, file explorer and total commander, everntually everything, except those, since I spend more time in landscape than portrait anyways. I have many packages dumped from different roms as i make my own for myself, so ots easy for me to kinda take a look at the files of the program where rotation is wanted. You could annoyingly scroll through windows dir on the phone to find the files for your program, but that could prove to be a slight annoyance. I have added a whole bunch of programs in manually recently, gonna post txt here tomorrow for you all. Still want the wm player? have you tried my possible suggestion, iif so, does it work?