Originally Posted by deadshawn
It's probably going to be a while, but I'm really looking forward to it as well
hopefully not...Amarullz said it would be 3-4 days, but we'll see.
Originally Posted by rwilli
I've never commented in a forum...I usually just read through it and my questions are answered but I have a problem with my phone. Im running sense 2.5 v 1.6 and I have Manilla Locker enabled it works fine but after a soft reset I try to lock my phone and the Manilla Locker comes up but its under the WM toolbar at the bottom so I can never unlock the phone w/o another soft reset. And after I do that I have to disable Manilla Locker. can anyone help me with this.
P.S. this has happened a lot ever since I started running Manilla Locker. Attached is a screen of what it looks like.
very odd, I've never seen that...maybe a bad flash?
Originally Posted by seanofnine
I noticed on the HTC site that they have a TELUS Touch Diamond SMS Date Hotfix. Visit the HTC canada web site, click support, pick the Diamond for Telus, then click the Downloads tab.
Would this hotfix only work for the stock ROM, or do you think it will work in yours? Or do you think that its just changing the registry setting that others have posted as a workaround for this bug.
it probably does more than just the reg edit....I would try it & if it negatively affects the ROM, then hard reset.