hesitated to post this, but looks nice and wanted to share...
New MaxSense Project
Originally Posted by maxycy
Main Screen - Tab Launcher
You can see all the 12 tabs icons on the screen which will navigate you immediately to the tabs. It will have 2 other screens (left and right) as you see on my movie. Bottom button will open up what I call the Application Launcher. You can have up to 25 quicklinks here. Works like your shortcuts. Left button supposedly opens up settings panel (still working out the concept). Right button opens up a menu list ( for eg, wallpaper change and other options which I'm adding in)
Good news is this part is completed and fully functional.
Clock Screen
This is where your clock and all notification indicators will be here. When an alert comes, it will automatically scrolls out to display the message and miniminzed when none.
I'm still undecided where I should put this yet. Right now, you can see that I have it located on the left side of the screen but the weather panel has slowdown the speed considerably and I may consider using this as a lock screen instead.
I'm reserving another screen for information and settings panel.
And, yes....I've planned to have the top bar scroll down like in Nexus.
Ok....that's the progress right now. Still a long way to go.
Here are some new pics of the clock screen