Originally Posted by namopereht
I have had this issue with the last few roms. Currently on the newest MaxDark from last night. Notification sounds are just fine until I open an SMS using the htc messaging. Then I have no notification sounds until reboot (but still vibrates if I have it set to). If I just hit "all messages" to open the MS app and go from there all is good. Tried using same volume on notifications as system but same result. Reboot is the only thing that will cure it. Even left it running for an entire day to see if it would cure itself but no joy.
Another minor annoyance is on the SMS with bubble messaging. When you open a thread it will go to the newest message. All good. But when you hit the SIP it will automatically scroll back to the top of your thread. Made sure I had clicked on all the previous messages recieved so they weren't being shown as unread. Not a bit deal to scroll it back down to the bottom but something that gets old.
One thing I need to check on deals with charging. As of the 0121 roms I have noticed when I plug in my charger it will unroute the audio from the bluetooth. Unplug and it comes back. Assuming it is sensing I am actually plugging in a wired headset. I don't have another charger around right now (on the road) but I will pick up another and see if the problem continues. May just be my charger developed a short or bad pin and grounding the headset sense pin or something. Just thought I would throw it out if anyone else was having the same issue.
I will check the volume issues. Have not had a problem here but there may be something. Will check.
The Bubble Messaging is made that way and not much I can do about it as I did not create the mod.
No charging issues here but I do not charge and BT at the same time usually.